15,060 research outputs found

    Let's Change the Playground Floor!

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    This project aims at the requalification of the floor of the school’s playground. Students organized class assemblies and students’ representative assemblies, and during these meetings they identified as a problem the floor full of irregular pebbles in the playground, very popular equipment in school. The pebbles have caused some accidents and, when it rains, they take a long time to dry, preventing the use of the park. During the assemblies, students tried to findways to solve the problem: they collected information, talked to parents and contacted different entities. The project is still ongoing but has already allowed students to learn much from it

    Are acceptance and mindfulness-based interventions 'value for money'? : evidence from a systematic literature review

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    Objectives: Acceptance and mindfulness‐based interventions (A/MBIs) are recommended for people with mental health conditions. Although there is a growing evidence base supporting the effectiveness of different A/MBIs for mental health conditions, the economic case for these interventions has not been fully explored. The aim of this systematic review was to identify and appraise all available economic evidence of A/MBIs for the management of mental health conditions. Methods: Eight electronic bibliographic databases (MEDLINE, MEDLINE In‐Process & Other Non‐Indexed Citations, EMBASE, Web of Science, NHS Economic Evaluation Database (EED), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), Health Technology Assessment (HTA) database, and EconLit) were searched for relevant economic evaluations published from each database's inception date until November 2017. Study selection, quality assessment, and data extraction were carried out according to published guidelines. Results: Ten relevant economic evaluations presented in 11 papers were identified. Seven of the included studies were full economic evaluations (i.e., costs and effects assessed), and three studies were partial economic evaluations (i.e., only costs were considered in the analysis). The A/MBIs that had been subjected to economic evaluation were acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy (MBCT), and mindfulness‐based stress reduction (MBSR). In terms of clinical presentations, the evaluation of cost‐effectiveness of A/MBIs has been more focused on depression and emotional unstable personality disorder with three and four economic evaluations, respectively. Three out of seven full economic evaluations observed that A/MBIs were cost‐effective for the management of mental health conditions. Nevertheless, the heterogeneity of included populations, interventions, and economic evaluation study types limits the extent to which firm conclusions can currently be made. Conclusion: This first substantive review of economic evaluations of A/MBIs indicates that more research is needed before firm conclusions can be reached on the cost‐effectiveness of A/MBIs for mental health conditions

    Coleta e caracterização de germoplasma de cucurbitåceas no Estado do Piauí.

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    No PiauĂ­ hĂĄ uma grande diversidade genĂ©tica de espĂ©cies de cucurbitaceas, especialmente melancia (Citrullus), melĂŁo (Cucumis) e abĂłboras e jerimuns (Cucurbita), plantadas por pequenos agricultores em consĂłrcio com culturas anuais. Com o desenvolvimento de variedades melhoradas, porĂ©m de base genĂ©tica estreita e alta suscetibilidade Ă s doenças e pragas, estes acessos locais estĂŁo sendo substituidos, ocasionando um risco de erosĂŁo genĂ©tica e possĂ­vel extinção de grande parte desse germoplasma. Objetivou-se nesse trabalho, a coleta de cucurbitĂĄceas e sua conservação em cĂąmara fria, para futuros trabalhos de melhoramento genĂ©tico, visando principalmente a resistĂȘncia Ă s doenças e pragas. A coleta foi realizada em março de 1992 e no perĂ­odo de março a setembro de 1997, nos municĂ­pios de Altos, UniĂŁo, SĂŁo Pedro do PiauĂ­, Regeneração, Monsenhor Gil, JosĂ© de Freitas, Piripiri, Batalha e Miguel Alves e AgricolĂąndia. Verificou-se, caracterĂ­sticas dos frutos, tais como: tamanho, formato, peso mĂ©dio, coloração da casca, presença ou ausĂȘncia de gomos nos frutos, formato de pedĂșnculo (Cucurbita), coloração de polpa e densidade da polpa. Foram tambĂ©m consideradas o nĂ­vel de resistĂȘncia Ă  doenças e pragas atravĂ©s de observação em campo

    Viroses da pimenteira-do-reino.

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